Monday, May 23, 2011

Words, Words, Words

"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so" Hamlet, 2.2
A dictator can justify mass genocide by saying that he is making the world a better place and a terrorist can justify bombings by saying that it is god's will. At the same, a soldier who has lost both his legs can motivate himself to move on in life by thanking God that he isn't dead and a hurricane victim can learn to start over by being grateful for the things that he or she still has. A person's thoughts are their most powerful weapons and it can either make or break them. An optimist is able to overcome adversity by looking at the glass half full and finding something worth living for while someone like Hamlet, a pessimist, can fall into a suicidal depression by only focusing on the corruption of the world and not being thankful for the things he already has, the love of the public, the love of Ophelia, etc. This quote always reminds me that I am in control of my own life because I am always in control of my own outlook on a situation. I can be the optimist and push myself to move on in the face of adversity or I can tell myself that its not worth it and give up. In either case, it is up to me and I feel as though Shakespeare has summarized this belief into a quote that is worth living by.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Something is Rotten in the State of BHS

My favorite version of Hamlet was the Franco Zeffirelli version with Mel Gibson. I found that this version definitely created a more ominous feeling of suspense that the other versions lacked. I was immediately drawn in from the very beginning by the eerie background music and scenery. This version also did a much better job with manipulating the lighting of rooms and transitioning from one camera angle to another. During the burial scene, the gold worn born by both Claudius and Gertrude highlights their corruption and possible happiness with the death of Hamlet Sr. Their facials expression also builds up the idea that Claudius and Gertrude could have planned his death from the beginning. All the while, Hamlet can be seen dressed in dark clothes and hidden in the shadows. 
Later on, we see the light from the sun wash over Hamlet the minute Claudius and Gertrude step into the room, highlighting his pun of "I am too much in the sun". Also, Mel Gibson's voice and tone during these first few scenes does a great job of portraying Hamlet's depression. 
Franco Zeffirelli also does a terrific job of playing up the idea of sexual tension between Hamlet and Gertrude. The way he has Gertrude kissing Hamlet after Claudius leaves the room, and the way he has Hamlet watching over Gertrude while performing his first soliloquy, all help show that there is a sexual attraction between the two of them. Also in this version, Hamlet's depression is much more associated with sorrow rather than anger. This helps show that Hamlet's sadness stems from the heartbreak he feels from Gertrude's hasty marriage to Claudius. All these different elements and subtle nuances in the movie help make it stand out among the other versions.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

From Gatsby to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

Oh where did my life go wrong my sweet Daisy. I may now have all the things that any man could dream of but all the money in the world means nothing without you in my life. You are the one thing that I'm missing from my life and and yet you are stuck in the arms of a man that does not love you and is not faithful to you. You deserve so much better; you deserve everything your heart could ever desire and I just wish that I could be the man to give that to you. No matter how much of a success I become it is all meaningless without you with me. When I finally met you the other day, the first time I saw you in 5 years, all those memories and emotions I had about you before just came rushing back. I want you with me Daisy. I want you to leave Tom, never look back, and live the life we should have had together. It's not like you ever truly loved Tom in the first place. You only married him because I wasn't there for you but I'm here for you now and the love I have for you is more than Tom will ever be able give you. It might be a little later than I wanted but we can still make up for lost time. I love you just as much as the day I met you and that love will never go away.

Yours forever,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Digging Into Chapter 3

Passage 3

" I was immediately struck by the number of young English men dotted about; all well dressed, all looking a  little hungry and all talking in low earnest voices to solid and prosperous Americans"

I was immediately able to pick out a euphemism the minute I read this passage. Nick had described the Englishmen as "looking a little hungry" and when you read that line in context with the rest of the passage you can see that it's refferring to their jealousy of  the "solid and prosperous Americans". During the 1920's it was failry common for a middle class American to become a millionare overnight due to the stock market and the booming economy. It is an understatement to say that these Englishmen are a little upset that they had to spend years of their life working their way up the social ladder while the Americans at this party most likely earned their money and rose to the top in almost no time at all. They have to come here kissing up to these Americans in the hope of striking some kind of business deal and sharing in their prosperity. These Enlishmen obviously feel some envy and resentment towards these Americans and it is more than just being "a little hungry"; they are like bloodthirsty sharks ready to tear these Americans apart at the first chance they get.

About me

I came to this country when I was 4 years old from a country in Asia called Myanmar(Burma) which almost no one has ever about. My favorite subjects in school are math and science (sorry Ms. Vayda) and my favorite sport is soccer. I listen to a lot of rock,alternative, and a little bit of pop. My favorite artists are "Bruno Mars", "Paramore", and "The Temper Trap". My favorite TV shows are "The Office", "That 70's Show", and "Family Guy". So there you go. Now you know a little a bit about me.