Monday, May 23, 2011

Words, Words, Words

"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so" Hamlet, 2.2
A dictator can justify mass genocide by saying that he is making the world a better place and a terrorist can justify bombings by saying that it is god's will. At the same, a soldier who has lost both his legs can motivate himself to move on in life by thanking God that he isn't dead and a hurricane victim can learn to start over by being grateful for the things that he or she still has. A person's thoughts are their most powerful weapons and it can either make or break them. An optimist is able to overcome adversity by looking at the glass half full and finding something worth living for while someone like Hamlet, a pessimist, can fall into a suicidal depression by only focusing on the corruption of the world and not being thankful for the things he already has, the love of the public, the love of Ophelia, etc. This quote always reminds me that I am in control of my own life because I am always in control of my own outlook on a situation. I can be the optimist and push myself to move on in the face of adversity or I can tell myself that its not worth it and give up. In either case, it is up to me and I feel as though Shakespeare has summarized this belief into a quote that is worth living by.

1 comment:

  1. Since we are required to comment on someone's post, I choose you (: WOW! That was really great and I couldn't agree more. The bible says, what you speak into the atmosphere is what happens and this is the perfect example of that. Not only are you in control of your own life because you are always in control of your own outlook on a situation, but you can also control the negatives and positives in your life by being optimistic. A person with a negative outlook on everything will only have negatives in their lives. In comparison, a person with a positive outlook on life will be graced with only positive outcomes.
